Hello, I’m Monica Sabolla.
I’m a multi-talented and multi-passionate Artist, Photographer, Creative and Healer, who believes in the power of full self-expression from the heart.
In being ourselves fearlessly in all of our glory- flaws and all. In feeling good, really good in our own skin. In loving ourselves a bit more each day, and working on ourselves to become whole and true again.
I also believe in the power of creativity to heal ourselves and awaken our hearts, to reveal our natural brilliance, and create a joyful, fulfilled, abundant, self-realized life.
Since 2008, I have been sharing my heart and all that I am online- without holding back, even when my voice was trembling and my knees were shaking. And by doing that, I have inspired thousands of people to be themselves fearlessly, believe in themselves, follow their bliss, and make their wildest dreams come true.
“Once again I am inspired by your work, creativity and stunning photography, always makes me want to run off with my camera in one hand and paint and papers in the other.”

The White Bench was simply a personal blog with no commercial purposes, before becoming my business.
I’m a lover of Nature, Beauty, and silence- and all things creative.
I’m a professional Artist and Photographer.
I’m a Writer, a Healer, and a “Guide” more than a teacher. Actually, I consider myself a humble pupil of the Universe, and have SO much to learn! I believe this life is a giant experimentation and lesson in Love.
I love creating, and I’m passionate about empowering others to awaken their inner power, and live a meaningful, fulfilling, self-realized, extraordinary life on their own terms. Because this has been my journey as well.
I come from a family of Artists (painters, sculptors, artisans, cooks and musicians), and art and creativity are in my blood and bones. I feel like paintbrushes are extensions of my fingers, and the lens an extension of my eyes. For more than three decades I’ve followed my heart and nurtured my innate creativity, and responded to a powerful inner calling that couldn’t be silenced.
While I didn’t go to art school, because my parents did believe that art is just a hobby and my Mom didn’t want me to become a “rebel” (something I’ve become anyway LOL), I took private art lessons and attended live workshops, had a few art teachers and mentors along the way, learned skills, experimented with art, photography, and numerous and diverse crafts, always trying new techniques and finding my voice, until I decided to turn my creativity into my profession.
I’m a multi-faceted and prolific artist and photographer, and have lots of experience as a working artist for leading companies worldwide. My work has been published and licensed extensively, but at the moment, for the foreseeable future, I’m taking a long sabbatical from creating for companies, and devoting myself full time to JUST CREATE, live, and perfect my joyfully abundant life! The life of my dreams, on my own terms.
And more than that! I am creating a “map” for others that deeply desire to do this, too, to be able to retrace my steps.
“One example of something you taught me was how to experience all of these: Nature, a picnic, journaling, and photography.”

Living my life on my own terms started with having my eyes opened by a huge crisis in all areas of my life- a true spiritual awakening-, and with taking full responsibility for my life. No more expecting that someone else or something outside myself was going to make my life work or make me happy. No more blaming, self-pity parties, and excuses with myself.
Just willingness to roll up my sleeves and do whatever it took in order for me to feel good, satisfied, happy and fulfilled on a daily basis- and make my dreams a reality.
The life on my own terms that I am living- and that I’m refining and perfecting every day, exactly like a gorgeous piece of art- is definitely not an ordinary life. It is a life of meaning and Purpose, where I constantly work on myself to become the best and greatest version of myself I can possibly be. It is a life of Light, Truth, and Intention, where I reconnect to my true essence and I own my Power more and more everyday. It is a sacred journey of unconditional Love and Wholeness and Beauty and Grace and JOY and Abundance. Of discovery and adventure, courage and passion and magic and wonder and fun and trust and faith and deep, unshakeable peace. Of making my dreams come true. Of Self-realization.
It is a life of Mastery and freedom.
Truly a masterpiece.
Living life on my own terms started also with a journey back to mySelf, with self-forgiveness for all of my mistakes, self-acceptance, and eventually self-love and appreciation for myself. With being myself fearlessly in all of my glory.
No more caring about what others were thinking of me or expecting from me. No more holding my breath and holding back. Just expressing myself from my heart and my authenticity. I believe and know from my own experience this is vital in order to create the life of your dreams.
Your dreams start with you.
With you owning your Power and using it. With you deeply rooted in your Truth. With you being yourself fearlessly.
Unapologetically you, flaws and all.
And if you don’t know where to start from, with my work I inspire and guide you to do just that.
“You inspire me every time I visit. You amaze me with every captured moment and every beautifully delivered quote. I respect, so much, your true openness to life and its experiences, happy or sad, and your willingness, without hesitation, to share these personal events. You probably do not realize how great the personal and positive impact you have on others, spiritually, professionally, artistically and compassionately.”

I believe that the ultimate purpose of this life is embodying our Greatness and mastering the art of being human. Creating and living the life of our dreams on our own terms is just a tool to achieve that.
Embodying Greatness for me is living with an open heart, like a breathing field of Love.
Conquering ourselves, shooting for the stars, speaking the Truth, shining our Light, challenging our limits, taming our mind, using our talents, doing what we love, creating Abundance, serving the world, loving ourselves, saying YES to our life. Over and over and over again.
Always choosing JOY, and marveling at the magnificence of this magical universe on a moment-to-moment basis.
… I believe we’re here to FLY!
“You have a way of reaching out across time to connect to people.“