⎨Creativity is healing… just play!⎬

Just doing something because you want to do it and you want to play is enough.

Yes, even if you are an adult. Who says that we have to stop playing at a certain age?! This “rule” just doesn’t work for me. I stopped listening to the world’s nonsense a long time ago, when I decided to live life on my own terms- and I never looked back.

Creativity and playing time is SO healing. I believe (and know from personal experience) that “playing time” can heal our life fully, including disease.

I certainly did not need a reason to do this fall arrangement with leaves. I do not need a reason to express myself fully. I just want to create!

If it gives me JOY, if it relaxes me, if it sparks my curiosity and my interest, if I see creative potential, if I simply want to do it… I just do it.

I don’t certainly think if it is useful, if I’m investing well my time and energy, if I will get something back from it, if others will like it. I simply do it for myself. I do whatever the heck I want to do and feel inspired to do for myself only.

I challenge you to do this for 30 days. Just do what you want to do, without needing a reason why and the “permission” of anyone else.

And then, see what happens! :)

Monica xoxo


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