⎨Craft & creative living tutorials⎬

My soul guided me to move on with what I know in my heart I have to do.

So I decided- quite unexpectedly- to start producing tutorials (especially) for beginner crafters. They’re going to be “craft lessons” in e-book format, where I teach you all the techniques, tips and tricks on how to make beautiful things with your hands, and gain creative confidence. And not just that. I give you the tools to be able to heal yourself through creativity, express yourself freely and fearlessly, without fear of the outcome or judgment, and to leap to the next level of JOY. Sounds cool? :)

With this work, I’ve really come full circle, as some of you who’ve been following me online since I started my blog 12 years ago, can realize quite easily. The fact is, during this decade, the decade of my spiritual awakening, I’ve become truer and truer to myself. In both art and life, I’ve tried different paths on the spur of the moment, to then be guided gently (sometimes not so gently!!) back to my true path again.

These shots were not planned at all. I thought, uh, how cute it would be to incorporate myself in the pictures, with my own creations! And so I grabbed all my snowmen and set the timer. I was laughing so hard and lifting my eyes to the sky because I though, “Oh, Monica, only you can do such crazy things!”. All for the sake of photography!! :) I had soo much fun that day, that I can still feel those high vibes and goosebumps in my body as I’m typing!

I can’t wait to show you all the rest that I’ve created and I’m still creating, from this point on. It’s certainly going to be a fantastic adventure, and I’m glad to celebrate this new beginning (or really, full circle) with you here today.

Find my craft patterns & tutorials in my shop here on my website, here.

Monica xoxo


  1. Monica what a great time to share such happy creations…I can tell how wonderful it must feel by the look on your face.
    In our area of the US we are on a partial lockdown again and I am ok with that since part of my studio is in my home
    and lots of space and things to create,,,I love it.
    My business has transformed to meet me here.
    I am so happy for you.

    • FloydAnna!

      Thank you!! Oh yes, I love my new creations and creative adventures! I can barely stand the excitement, as it’s something I really really love doing.

      I’m so glad to hear that your business has transformed in such a wonderful and abundant way!
      I rember when you shared with me about your business needing to transition to a new phase, and it’s so so exciting that everything has come to fruition in the “just perfect” timing!I had no doubt about that, and I’m happy to witness once again the wonders of this amazing and abundant Universe!

      We have been partially locked down here, too, for a month now, and we’re about to enter a new phase, where the shops are reopening before Christmas.

      Monica xoxo


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