⎨I feel like I was born anew⎬

(The photos above are shown in chronological order)

Before I start writing on my new blog, I thought I’d give you a little- very little- glimpse into my world.

Because it may be that you’ve been following my journey since the beginning or so, and you’ll surely find a different person here. Different beliefs, different topics, very different perspectives, even different tastes from those I used to write about in my old blog(s). For sure, a very different energy (that you’ll be able to feel), and lots of confidence and love for myself I didn’t use to have.

No, I’m not lost (I’m actually finally found), nor I’m nuts :) I’ve just gone through a spiritual awakening.


I’ve already openly shared on social media over the past years that I’ve gone through a spiritual awakening- no breaking news here. It’s not the right time for me to share my story- not just yet- so if you’re curious to know how it happened in the slightest detail, you won’t find this post satisfying.

You won’t find this satisfying if you are looking for very technical posts about spiritual awakening. I’m not here to write in an academic, complicated way about esoteric stuff and with terms that most people wouldn’t even understand- but in a very down- to- earth, very simplified way. The way I would use to inspire my younger/unawakened me… just to point her in the right direction for her most harmonious growth and complete happiness. Which, in the end, is the purpose behind this blog and part of my Mission.

I’m not here to write much about spiritual awakening, either. I write for the widest audience possible, because I feel in my bones this is what I’m meant to do. I write this  blog  as service, and hope it will inspire you in some way. Take what resonates with you in this part of your journey, and leave the rest.

Nonetheless, in this introductory post I think it’s right to share what happened to me, and the place I’m writing from, to be as transparent as I can be.


How It Happened, and my Transformation


Spiritual awakening can be triggered in different ways- one of which is a sudden crisis in one’s life, that causes great, almost unbearable pain. Many people have been awakened this way, and I’m no exception.

The Universe vigorously shaked the earth beneath my feet- and my world crumbled in a very short span of time under my very eyes. It was a series of “catastrophes”, one after the other. I lost practically everything that had meaning to me- and I went through the “dark night of the soul”, without being aware of that, and without having the barest idea that such thing existed nor of anything about spirituality at all.

This happened in 2009, and my life hasn’t been the same ever since. I’ve been completely transformed from the inside out, while remaining the very same at the core. A very evident, complete and substantial transformation. I feel like I was born anew.

From a fearful, anxious, powerless, criticizing, complaining, self- condemning, always exhausted person with lots of health issues, I’ve become unconditionally grateful, loving, peaceful and serene; energetic, empowered, confident, and exceptionally healthy and positive. A force of Nature. Oh, and I finally love myself!  I’ve also healed myself from several health issues, including chronic migraines with cyclic vomiting, hernia, chronic headaches, neckache and backache; vaginitis, frigidity, anxiety. You can read in detail how I’ve changed and what I’ve experienced in the list below.

I now live on Purpose, a life of service, finding JOY in the Now and in the free expression of mySelf.

Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening (I Have Experienced)


This is a very exciting time of mass awakening on planet Earth, and we are assisting to the evolution of the human race in real time :)

As said already, I won’t go into the details of my spiritual awakening, but I can definitely share some of the symptoms I’ve experienced over the years, so that if you’re experiencing the same this list could be of some help in pointing you in the right direction. During the beginning of this process, in fact, I was completely unaware of what was happening to me. I just could feel that there was a reason why all of those surreal, almost unbelievable events were happening, causing me a great deal of pain- but I couldn’t see clearly enough to be able to identify the real cause. I felt like I was sailing in the fog, day in day out (… but “lighthouses” started appearing to guide me).

Mine was a process that took several years form the start up to today- with times of intense, steep spiritual growth followed by plateaux of awareness when nothing seemed to happen on the outside (or I even seemed to go backwards). These plateaux were (and still are, after nine solid years) the “fermentation time” before a new spurt of growth.

So here are some of the symptoms I have experienced, in no particular order:

1. Catastrophic events in your life, often more than one (losses of all sorts, from close relationships to house, job, money, health, death, etc), that mine your foundations. They force you to slow down (or even stop) and re- examine your life altogether. They force you to turn inwards for answers.

2. “Veils” are lifted from your consciousness, one after another- and you start perceiving reality in a different way. Each time a veil is lifted, you experience an epiphany, a sudden enlightening moment where you are able to see something in a very different light from how you used to see it before. Your mind kind of opens up.

3. Lots of memories of things you had completely forgotten about surface to your conscious awareness. They usually start like “flashes” on the screen of your consciousness, and then they expand over the next hours, few days and weeks and even months. You start connecting the dots of past experiences. Everything now makes sense to you, and you can now see that there have been no mistakes. People, places, circumstances in your life, feelings, even thoughts- everything starts falling into place to create a “bigger picture”.

4. Old, unresolved stuff comes up to the surface to be healed. You start becoming aware of core wounds you even didn’t know you had. For example, childhood wounds. You are not oblivious anymore to your problems you used to “not see”. This is extra- uncomfortable, and extra- painful. You feel a strong urge and need to heal.

5. Teachers start showing up in your life, in the most unlikely ways. You are synchronically guided to books, articles, people, places- everything you need to know. I have shared this before, but I consider Dr. Wayne Dyer my most influential spiritual teacher. He saved my life, his teachings changed the trajectory of my life and helped me to step onto my true path. His book, “Inspiration, the Ultimate Calling”, literally called me in a bookstore from the other side of the shop. It was hidden in the second row, but I inexplicably  knew where I had to dig. I immediately recognized the synchronicity after reading the first chapter- and I bought the book.

6. A strong, burning desire to rebel. To not conform anymore to rules. To break free from what is limiting you. To feel free. To detach yourself from drama, toxic people, and draining circumstances/places.

7. A sense of uncertainty, but at the same time, of exciting possibility.

8. A sense of deep grief, like though you/your “old self” were dying.

9. A sense of not having anywhere to hide anymore, no matter how hard you try.

10. Your prayer changes considerably, as your awakening progresses. It feels very different from before, like though you couldn’t reach God anymore. Your perception of God changes dramatically: first, you start perceiving God as One, very differently from before (I never perceived the “God of my own religion” like the “God of another religion”, but after awakening I started perceving One and Only God/Divine Power in the whole universe). Then, as you progress, you start having the perception that God isn’t an outside entity, that decides for you- but closer than your very breath. It’s inside you. You and God are just one Creative Power. God is no longer attached to any religion- you start seeing all religions as different paths to the same destination.

11. Your sleep patterns change. There may be alternating periods of constantly interrupted and uninterrupted sleep. You need less sleep, and become super energetic. For all my life, I used to need an afternoon nap for example- and no matter how many hours per night I slept, I always felt tired. At a certain point I didn’t even need 8 hours of sleep anymore.

12. You may become hot or cold for no apparent reason.

13. You become exceptionally alert to what happens around you, even though to the external observer you may look completely disconnected and lost in your thoughts.

14. You may be able to heal chronic conditions in your body. You stop having those little, seemingly insignificant conditions you used to have all year round (like flu, colds, sore throat, etc.). Your vitality dramatically increases. Constant tiredness and exhaustion are a thing of the past. You have very different beliefs about illness and may not use medicines anymore or go to the doctor anymore. Your health dramatically improves on all levels- eyesight included. You may no longer need reading glasses.

15. You have plateaux of awareness, and then sudden steep growth, usually accompanied by annoying physical symptoms (exhaustion for no reason, nausea, feeling lethargic, pain in your body, exhaustion, etc) and emotional/mental/spiritual symptoms (lots of anxiety, judgment, fears, etc). You are deeply aware of these phases.

16. Your eating habits change. You may become vegetarian, or vegan. You feel the need for more fresh fruit and vegetables, for more healthy food. You don’t feel the need of junk food or fats and sugars anymore. I don’t drink, but if you do, you may feel the need to give up alcohol as well.

17. You make the conscious connection between your thoughts and emotions and the various circumstances in your life.
Synchronicities now become the norm in your experience.

18. You become increasingly more magnetic to objects, people, money, opportunities, the information you need. I’ve experienced instant manifestations on several occasions, and they’re becoming more and more frequent in my life.

19. Your heart opens up (and you feel it).

20. You start believing in reincarnation, even though you may have entirely dismissed the possibility before. It now makes a lot of sense to you.

21. Your perception of time changes. Time seems to accelerate, or to stand still. You experience deja vu-s.

22. Your intuition deepens and sharpens. You may discover you have healing abilities. You start becoming aware of energy, and able to feel/interpret it. Your sensitivity expands- the more you’re aware of it, the more it expands. You become more and more empathic.

23. You may hurt your feet/ ankles/ legs (= inability to proceed, need to rest, need to stop or slow down), or become unstable while walking (at a certain point of my awakening, I seemed to have lost my balance, and had to be extra careful to not slip). You may have sudden, very strong pain in your wrists (= not knowing how/inability to handle) and neck (= resistance). Even severe stiff neck. You make the connection between your feelings and the condition.

24. Blurred vision (= not seeing clearly where you’re going), that comes and goes, and then is gone all of a sudden.This was an intense one for me.

25. Dizziness. You feel totally disconnected at times, and in desperate need of grounding yourself.

26. Fluctuations in body weight. You may gain and lose a lot of weight without doing any diet.

27. You feel like there’s two of you in your body (a lower/false self, a Highest/True Self). And you become the Conscious Observer of yourself. The more you progress, the more you become aligned with your Highest Self.

28. Your way of relating to others changes completely. You become increasingly more transparent and true, and have zero tolerance for lies (that you always, always feel). Your integrity greatly increases. You become exceptionally candid and straightforward.

29. There is a change in the scenario of your relationships, especially the closest/romantic ones. People (including family and friends) you used to have in your life, may just fade away. You’re no longer on the same wavelength, and they may tell you “you’ve changed so very much”. Your way to live and conceive a romantic relationship changes dramatically. Your beliefs about marriage may change. You’re no longer able to stay in an ordinary, “old- paradigm” relationship based upon need and fear, and are ready for an enlightened one, a sacred partnership with totally different “rules” from those we are traditionally used to.

30. You become aware of your Purpose and Mission on Earth. You feel an intense drive for the completion of your Mission and to relieve the pain of the world.

31. Your habits change in a major way, and you’re able to shift old behavioral patterns easier and fairly quickly. All life lessons are learned very fast- your growth is fast.

32. Your perception of life and death changes completely. You don’t fear your own death anymore. You don’t mourn anyone’s death anymore.

33. You become increasingly more confident, more self- loving, more empowered.

34. You start seeing money in a totally different way than before. You become increasingly more magnetic to money.

35. You become non- judgmental. Your levels of compassion dramatically increase.

36. You become more and more spontaneous- and playful. You become more humorous, less serious, and you laugh a lot (including at yourself and at drama most people seem to thrive into). This is truly the end of drama!

37. You stop thinking so much, your mind becomes quiter and quieter. Your thoughts change altogether. You start meditating on a regular basis.

38. You start taking care of your body, including excercize. With zero resistance, zero effort.

39. You suddenly know things you haven’t studied, you make very on point considerations about your life and other people’s life. You receive intuitive “downloads”.

40. Your creativity expands, and you no longer experience (or believe in) creative blocks. Ideas just flow and flow and flow effortlessly. You may feel like channeling.

41. You take responsibility for your own mistakes and life. You take responsibility for your own happiness.

42. You start experiencing unconditional love and unconditional gratitude.

43. You start living with intention.

44. You start feeling the need to tie loose ends, and forgive yourself and others. And that others forgive you, so you may feel the need to contact them, even after decades that you don’t see each other. When you progress in your journey, you understand there’s nothing to forgive.

45. You start seeing difficulties/challenges as great opportunities for growth- and even consider them as your greatest blessings!

46. You become exceptionally positive even in the midst of difficult times. You literally radiate positive vibes that others are able to feel.

47. You have a very evident, positive effect on others. Even “strangers” tell you on a regular basis how you inspire them, how they feel uplifted and at peace in your presence, how they feel motivated to do some work on themselves because of you. They make comments and compliment you about your smile or eyes, or tell you you’re radiant, or that you literally radiate light. They may tell you their personal stories on the first encounter, cry with you, even hug you (… these things happened to me multiple times!!). You feel and see how people react to your presence- some are magnetically attracted to you and want to stay around you and speak to you. Animals start behaving differently, they seem less fearful or more attracted to you. You also seem to have an influence on plants (they become more and more prosperous, they bloom a lot, etc. My orchids for example started blooming non- stop for years, I rescued dying ones from friends and they were well and blooming in a jiffy, and I had even one of them making babies :) I have to add, never had had success before with orchids).

48. You don’t feel separate from others anymore. You don’t feel separate from God, or from all other living things on Earth, and all the cosmos.

49. You have rushes of emotions, like crying desperately without relief. I cried desperately without being able to stop at home, while driving, at the supermarket, while strolling in town, etc.

50. You cry tears of love and inspiration. These, contrarily to the previous ones, aren’t emotional tears.

51. You aren’t skeptical anymore. You start believing and becoming interested in things you previously considered absurd, illogical, and unbelievable. All the “woo- woo” stuff is no longer “woo- woo” for you. You may become interested in astrology, metaphisics, quantum physics, psychology, healing, alternative medicine, crystals, chakras, and other subjects you previously never ever considered or even knew existed.

52. You stop labelling altogether.

53. Your body becomes more harmonious and beautiful. Your skin improves, and your body odor goes away. You look younger, and people tell you. You feel ageless.

54. You feel intense activity on the top of your head (crown chakra). You may see lights in your peripherical vision.

55. You have often violent skin eruptions: hives, rashes, eczema. This one was a big one for me!

56. You become more and more humble and meek- yet strong and extraordinarily powerful. You become much, much softer.

57. You become exceptionally flexible in your thinking and life in general.

58. Your mind starts accepting paradoxes.

59. You become very understanding. You accept differences. You accept everyone.

60. You are at peace, no matter what.

61. You can stay silent for a long time. You don’t need to talk that much. You need silence more and more. You tend to avoid crowds and crowded places more and more. You tend avoiding people who speak too much.

62. Your gaze becomes open and full of love and appreciation. You crave eye- contact, you don’t fear eye- contact anymore. You become more and more vulnerable and emotionally naked.

63. Your behavioral patterns change (for example, among other things, I stopped having chronic headaches, neckache, and migraines with cyclic vomiting that I was unconsciously causing to myself). You don’t live anymore in autopilot. You may have stronger physical/emotional reactions to circumstances, before a spurt of growth (your ego flares up).

64. Your look may change… and so does the look of your wardrobe. The look of your home may change.

65. Your sexual desire changes. You are able to heal core wounds around sexuality you may have had for a long time in a short span of time. Your sexual life greatly improves.

66. You may change home, location, Country, religion (you generally give up any religion), beliefs. You’re totally open to change, and excited for it (no longer afraid of change).

67. Everything “set” in your life that is not aligned to your Truth crumbles. You have the opportunity to reinvent yourself.

68. You simplify your life more and more, in all its aspects. You feel the need to get rid of most of your possessions.

69. Your dreams become extra- vivid, and very meaningful to you. You may start having visions.

70. You feel the need to give up tv, news, movies, violence of all kind. You can’t bear violence of any kind anymore (tv, games, conflict, etc), in a much stronger way than before if you are a HSP.

71. You just *know* things. You don’t believe them- you simply *know*. You gain more and more clarity as you go.

72. You feel unconditionally blissful.

Monica xoxo


  1. I just want To say THANK YOU nothing else

    • Oh my, I feel like crying, and my heart full of explosive JOY as I read this!! I’m taking it as a sign for this season of my life.
      You’re very, very welcome. I will add some articles soon on this line, that will hopefully be of help.


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